Phone calls

We get many people calling on our phone. Sometimes it’s a friend or a relative of mine, or my parents’, or my sister’s. Sometimes it’s the people that we used to work with. The guy from the video store on Willow and Baltic would call every now and then to ask my sister for help, even though she has moved on to bigger and better things saving lives at St. Mary’s Medical Center. Other times, it’s people from my university asking questions or getting in touch with me.

Recently, a string of calls from some sadistic money-thirsty demons we call creditors have been calling regarding my mom. I don’t know what’s going on, but they seem to be calling every day. If there was one position I wouldn’t want to be in, it’s working as a creditor, because I know I will be viewed as a villain by the people I am asking money for. And I haven’t even worked as one yet, and I have an image of what my work would be.

Poor Jose Offerman. Another old outcast from the disgraced national pastime has given the middle finger to the game with his faggotry: an ejection for using a bat as a weapon. Hey Jose, if you’re going to use it, at least succeed in decapitating the pitcher and leave him for dead in a pool of blood on the mound! Amateur.

I have some previews now of a number of Mission Football Conference teams. Now I can continue my preview on the Mayhem (url:

How about the USA. They are two wins away from the winning the gold in men’s volleyball in Bangkok. We’re counting on you, Paul “The Chopman” Lotman. Unleash the Claw!

More blows for the Bush administration…another 500 dead in Iraq. Sigh.

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