Oh Tsumugi...

Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How awesome are thy riches!
Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How awesome are thy riches!
With all the wealth you have in store,
I want it all, but I want more!
Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How awesome are thy riches!

Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How lovely are thy eyebrows!
Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How lovely are thy eyebrows!
I want to lick, I want to taste,
I will not let this go to waste!
Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How lovely are thy eyebrows!

Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How lovely is thy cleavage!
Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How lovely is thy cleavage!
So squeezable, if I surmise;
I want to hear your moans and sighs!
Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How lovely is thy cleavage!

Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How happy K-ON!'s made thee!
Oh Tsumugi, Oh Tsumugi,
How happy K-ON!'s made thee!
Your love from yuri's moved me, dear,
I love you more because you're here!
Oh Tsumugi, My Tsumugi,
How happy K-ON!'s made thee!

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