On Pacific and the whinings of a rich old bastard boy from Stockton

Saimoe 2007 Group Finals: Group F
Saimoe 2007 Group Finals: Group F
The results are in. And it is the end of an era.
100 % precincts reporting
There is not even a semblance joy in the Desu Nation, for mighty Suiseiseki, the Jade Stern, has been toppled. There will be a new Saimoe champion. This opens the door wide open for the likes of Suigintou and everyone else. But even Mercury Lampe will need to look over her shoulder...Tsukasa Hiiragi might pull off a Rozen Maiden sweep.
This was defying all odds. There will be a new champion.
Uh oh.
Eric Asami should be graffitied with the villain brush. I’m scratching my head as to why he was officiating the match between the Cal Poly Mustangs and my guys down at the Walter Pyramid. He must have thought this was a soccer match, because he kept giving cards to our guys, while helping those nags from
I mean, let’s face it. If this was a soccer game between my ladies and those ‘Stangs (the match will be held later in November), that’s understandable, but in a volleyball game? And yellow cards to the team who is viewed as the underdog, and none to the team touted to win it?
As Sydney Football Club manager Branko Culina said to Mark Shield, which, if you think about it (he had to be escorted by the cops) is the cold hard truth (a rare instance for me where I sympathize with them), “It’s not a good thing.” I’m convinced that there shouldn’t be any complaints from our visitors that game.
At least he should be thankful that I didn’t have a flare to hurl at in his direction. Better be wise to steer away from anyone wearing CSULB apparel, students, fans, alums, boosters, and so on. At least you won’t be six feet under just yet before your next officiating assignment (god forbid you’re still hired to be a bloody anti-Beach stiff).
As I got back home, I checked the mail, checked the messages, and made the daily rounds. After feasting on some katsu from the nearby L&L in Wrigley, I looked at the calendar on the refrigerator, and the Beach’s next opponent. There is so many stuff on there, but one of them is a calendar of matches. Squinting to get a closer look, it read: “UCI, 10/26, 7:00 p.m.”
“Uh oh,” I thought.
Here's the kicker: after that, I concurred that for Brian Gimmilaro, hiring a shrink might as well be put on the back burner for at least another week.