ISML 2012: Separation from the pack in Prelims Phase II

ISML 2012: Separation from the pack in Prelims Phase II 

By JR Salazar (Bongaboi)
March 16, 2012

Match Day 9 of the 2012 International Saimoe League preliminaries saw the group favorites in the Nova and Stella Divisions gain separation.

In Nova Group 1, Sora Kasugano defeated Misaki Ayuzawa 2602-2549 and Astarotte Ygvar 2602-1215. Elucia de Lute Irma whipped Poplar Taneshima 3293-1551 and Aoi Kunieda 3293-1477. Aria Holmes Kanzaki cruised past Yuuko Shionji 3217-1972 and Sana Inui 3217-1134.

Nymph was all business in Stella Group 1, trouncing Lucy Heartfilia 3168-1702 and Chii 3168-1564. Tsumugi Kotobuki prevailed over Fuuko Ibuki 2725-2592 and Evangeline A.K. McDowell 2725-1315. Louise Francoise Le Blanc De La Valliere, picked by the Bedlam on Baltic Avenue as the group winner, moved one step closer to the regular season with victories over Tsukasa Hiiragi 3359-2190 and Suigintou 3359-1026.

Meiko Honma, Kurisu Makise and Riko Mine are expected to contend for the Nova Group 2 berth. Honma whipped past Aoi Yamada 2935-1708 and Tsurara Oikawa 2935-1603. Makise shredded past Sen Yarizui 3250-1782 and Yune 3250-1185. Mine shot past Minami Shimada 2713-2288 and Ai Nanasaki 2713-1385.

Nagisa Furukawa, Shinobu Oshino and Kuroko Shirai remain in contention to win Stella Group 2. Furukawa leveled Isumi Saginomiya 3108-1903 and Alice 3108-1466. Oshino mowed past Yui Kotegawa 3372-1903 and Amu Hinamori 3372-1175. Shirai defeated Ami Kawashima 2914-2300 and Kallen Kozuki Stadtfeld 2914-1279.

Ayase Aragaki scored Nova Group 3 victories over Tomoka Minato 2707-2102 and Minko Tsurugi 2707-1499. Shouko Kirishima torched Dalian 3396-1709 and Minini Uryu 3396-1156. Yozora Mikazuki, selected as the favorite to win Nova 3 by BoBA, blew past Laura Bodewig 3438-1881 and Mahiru Inami 3438-962.

Stella Group 3 favoeite Tomoyo Sakagami scored victories over Erza Scarlet 3523-1988 and Mizuru Kamio 3523-861. Index L. Prohibitorum recorded wins over Mika Yuuki 3143-2249 and Ai Haibara 3143-1049. Nagi Sanzen'in outlasted Asuka Langley Soryuu 3369-1581 and Yin 3369-1433.

In Nova Group 4, Kyouko Sakura took out Hinata Hakamada 2819-2329 and Chihaya Ayase 2819-986. Haruna blew past Ika-Musume 2755-1993 and Ayumi Takahara 2755-1589. Mizuki Himeji, tapped as the group favorite by BoBA, scored victories over Tsugumi 2973-2110 and Hakase Shinonome 2973-1274.

In Stella Group 4, all signs point to a return by Konata Izumi to the show. Izumi trounced Chrome Dokuro 3438-1615 and Rei Ayanami 3438-1379. C.C. dismantled Nanoha Takamachi 3128-2290 and Utau Hoshina 3138-827. Ritsu Tainaka edged Kotomi Ichinose 2720-2602 and curbstomped Ayu Tsukimiya 2720-1102.

Match Day 10 of the 2012 International Saimoe League Preliminaries, Day 4 of Phase II, is scheduled for Sunday, Mar. 18, 2012. Vote for your favorite candidate at and join the ongoing debate.

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