
This is the Bedlam on Baltic Avenue, my main blog on the internet for well over a decade. This site offers information on the International Saimoe League, sports, Japanese culture and other current events. 

This blog may contain strong language. But remember: it's all for a reason. Proceed with caution.

This blog best seen in 1920 x 1080 resolution. Enjoy your time here, because at the Bedlam, there's always something going on down here.

-Jo-Ryan Salazar
The Bedlam on Baltic Avenue


Unknown said...


Thanks for your record for saimoe tournaments in early ages, even though they do not involve specific data and number. The Korean Best Moe, which was hold in 2006-2012, lost most of offical record due to a migrantion of the website. Thanks to your dairy, I am aware of the brief frame of the tournament in 2010. Please allow me to show my gratitution here.

A saimoe tournament historian

Bongaboi Pangyatoy said...

No problem. There is more than just saimoe on this site. There's FFXIV content and other content. So do check it out. Thanks for checking in!