There are some also-rans that didn't stand a chance at this caucus, as Andrews talks about his father, an accomplished tennis player, and one-time shoulder-rubber with Andre Agassi, on the ride home from Goleta. I am wondering why Rudy Giuliani is running this race. At his age, he should be done with politics. And why is Bill Richardson trying to get the nomination. Now, granted, Hilary Clinton is not out of the race, because the other states have her ahead, but is Obama racks up state after state after state, then all the chips will fall. Same for Mike Huckabee. He only spent just over a million dollars on Iowa, and look what happened.
Yes sirree, the 2008 race is in full swing. But I can't wait to see if Long Beach State's Canadian sweep in Florida was a fluke or not when they try to snap a losing streak to a resurging USC side.