Hurricane Gustav and Hurricane Hanna have been assigned to send hell in a storm basket to Louisiana and Georgia, respectively. Gustave made landfall about a few hours ago, while Hanna is warming up for the beatdown by upgrading to a Category 1 hurricane.
Get in on, both of you.
36 people in China lose their lives in a 5.7 earthquake in Sichuan Province. And Mother Nature's wrath wreak havoc as Hi Jintao heart hardens like the Pharaoh of Egypt in the Biblical days.
I am quietly compiling some results for a video on the International Saimoe League 2008, subject to approval to the commisioner of the league (the webmaster of the site, in layman terms). It will just be a simple slideshow, complete with results.
Nothing too special.
It's Labor Day today. No work means some R&r, but for me, it's on the eve of a return to class.
I gotta get some stuff ready. That means a backpack full of books and binders, and plenty of writing apparati.
I am elated after getting those DVDs out of the way. I needed to back up all those Olympic Games footage. All that's remaining is a few Closing Ceremony clips, an iso of the Opening Ceremony, and a few soccer games.