ISML 2015: Let's get this party started!
By Jo-Ryan Salazar
The Bedlam On Baltic Avenue
April 20, 2015
Match Day 1 of the 2015 International Saimoe League Preliminaries and the first official day of the new season took place, and a number of candidates have exited the tournament. Asami Lilith, Chaika Trabant, Asseylum Vers Allusia, Manaka Mukaido, Touka Kirishima, Hanayo Koizumi, Yuna, Himeko Inaba, Nagi Sanzen'in, Sakura Matou, Kotomi Ichinose, Rena Ryuuguu, Karuta Roromiya, Rika Furude, Konata Izumi and Ushio Okazaki have been eliminated on the female side.
For the first time, the ISML will have an official male competition, after being used for exhibition purposes. A number of faces have been eliminated, including Hei, Shintarou Kisaragi, Shuuya Kano, Kamito Kazehaya, Slaine Troyard, Ginko, Rin Matsuoka and Ken Sugisaki.
Here are the results below. Match Day 2 of the 2015 International Saimoe League Preliminaries will take place on Apr. 21, 2015. Keep it right here on The Bedlam on Baltic Avenue for continuing coverage of the International Saimoe League, and vote for your favorites and join the debate at