Day 2
They are people looking for results. The targets are answers looking for questions. In a business fueled by money swimming in a drowning economy, the entertainment business is a machine owned and operated by people on the hunt for those who can deliver the fuel-the results-early and often.
Thus, is wasn't surprising that the poster for AX Idol featured someone who had the results in her hands, reaching out for the microphone to give it to the ones chosen by the judges (including Shoko-tan and the Bang Zoom! crew By the way, Shoko-tan was also a Masquerade judge this year). Ironically, this was the very first AX Idol I went toi. Add the fact that this was held at the Nokia Theater (funny, the staff checked my phone, even though it was a Nokia. Ironic, isn't it?) and it became something very special. More on that in a bit.
If there was real downer at the convention, it had to be the food at the Tradewinds Cafe in Kentia Hall. Not only was the fare unsophisticated, but the staff were clearly unnaturalized (at least a majority of them) citizens. The evidence was there: lack of English, poor communication skills, and a take-it-or-leave-it attitude that would make it feel like I was in San Quentin without the prison riots or confinement decor. Next thing these guys will do is feed us Ensure down our throats a la Guantanamo Bay. Absolutely horrible.
It was a big downer. I mean, come on: if turning a family away at Registration due to their lack of planning and preparation for the event (and it DID happen, and it wasn't our fault; the would-be attendees didn't help themselves by not taking a look at the prices, the plans that weekend, and pre-registering) was bad enoguh, this was nothing compared to the abominable manners of these guys. Next year, I expect to see a new staff with a friendlier demeanor when I am getting my fill at Kentia. In the meantime, get the Tijuana trucks ready, guys.
On the other hand, taking cosplay photos on my mobile and getting my mascot plushies to make out, combined with AX Idol, made up for it in a big way.
Vic Mignogna and Jon Mexa are experts and true veterans of what they do. I expecioally like Vic. The Enlgish voice behind the likes of Ichigo Kurosawa and Edward Elric, Vic knows his schtick. He's a good singer, too. We love the hair.
God bless Steve BLum. Over a couple of decades at the forfront of English dubbing will make one-half of the Risen Bull Rangers (the other half is Vic) a tough act to follow.
As I went down the elevator after changinmg into some new shorts due to a zipper malfunction, I saw a couple of Tokyo Mew Mew cosplayers in bikinis step in.
"Cosplaying in swimsuits?" I asked
"No, we cosplayed a few hours ago, but we decided to go to the pool," said the Ichigo cosplayer. She was in a matching white beiking with red strings and dots. It matched her hair and form perfectly.
"I see. Well at least you made the right choice on which two-piece to pick. It looks great on you," I said, with a delightful laugh as I headed for the shuttle.
That's the thing: when you are cosplaying, and you want to show that hot body at the pool, you'd better bring an outfit that emphasizes your curves and bust, as well as matches your outfit when you strut yout stuff to the photographers out there. She was even in twintails, which added to her moe aesthetic. She easily could pass for cosplaying in a swimsuit.
I decided not to take a photo of her in it. Besides, she was out of uniform, she did not request to be shot, and we were in an elevator. And I was staffing. Of course I had high standards. But it was clear than in those fleeting seconds, my string bikini fetish had reached dangerous levels. Naturally they lowered to more healthy ones when I took the shuttle.
I would think that Ichigo would be wearing something like that in the anime. Of course, I don't watch Tokyo Mew Mew as much as the other ones I follow. I prefer the Japanese version way more than the 4Kids version.
As I reach out for a box of tissues typing this to post, I would like to let you know that AX Idol was a success. In my view, Pamela Moss would have amde a lot of headway on American Idol. Her rendition of Kouga Ninpou Chou" from the series Basilisk was epic. Chalk up a big point for whoever decides to give her a lucrative contract.
And chalk up a coup of a hire if Caitlin Chang is giving a contract to dub for Bang Zoom!. Her rendition of Gurren Lagann's very own Yoko Ritona was unlike anything we ever saw. Of course, the candidates who voices as Simon and Kamina were competent as well. But the night belonged to Caitlin. I was wondering if she ever did any fandubbing in the past. Or there was a rule preventing that. In any case, if she was doing fan dubs previously, those days are long gone now. Enjoy your September business trip to Japan, Caitlin Chang. May it stimulate you in more ways than one.
The moe possibilities were there. Darn that Richard Kong, though. First he buys a Haruhi dakimakura for 35 smackaroons. And then he gets even luckier and wins an autographed shikishi board from one of the GoH's (I didn't know if it was THE Shoko-tan, but it was, the third atomic bomb went off in my room at the Westin Bonaventure. To add insult, he was happily snoring.
Oh, those AX Staffers.
Day 3
"Aficionados, ¡que viven la intensidad del manga y anime!"
That was the mantra as I went off to Video Room 3, donning my polo over my Astro Boy shirt. For me, the thought of Nicholas Cage doing Astro Boy's role just gave me the shivers. Anyway, my first shift was scheduled for 10:30 a.m., so I had some time to wander about.
I was able to take some shots of KOnata, KAgami and the Lucky Star crew, though I couldn't stand next to Kagami in a back to back pose. I twas some damn crowded and hot inside the Exhibit Hall.
Mou...those sweaty, smelly otaku. Oh God.
Otherwise, any chances of not fulfilling my wish went out the you-know-what. Now surpriusingly, there was a long, long, looong line for the Masquerade. This was our showcase event, and I told the people to come down for the event at the Nokia Theatre. There should be some seats available if you hurry, I said to them.
Sure enough, we were treated to something special. I saw Funky Fresh cosplay doing their LUcky Start tribute skil. Needless to say, I was happy with their performance. They got the second place prize (which, overall was a symbolic third place if you take into account Best in SHow, the true first place winner). As I took a couple of shots of them (one of them is on my deviantART plage), I was vindicated, and assured that they validated the relevance of Kagami Yoshimizu's classic to our interests. It was relevant to the mindsets of those who followed it, who supported it, and will never forget it. And they won't.
Props to the Orange County Anime Society for winning it all. These guys were the cream of the crop, and rightfully deserving of the title.
Special props to the band from Faye Ross Middle School, located in Artesia, CA. Their tribute to the convention and to Final Fantasy drew a standing ovation. (Partly because I got them to do so, but that's beside the point). I mean, come on now. These guys were nervous kids in their tweens and early teens, but after they got on stage and played their hearts out, we had to acknowledge their courage, commitment, and sacrifice just to BE HERE. And, I know that a lucky few of them might play for a college marching band, namely USC's, or UCLA's, or whatever drum & bugle corps is willinhg to give them a chance. You never know.
Pamela Moss put on another great encore performance.
Teas Tea. Pure green. And a great chug. Yummy. I need to know where I can buy me a bottle. Perhaps the nearest Famima! might enlighten me a bit?
The crowd was alive. I told my folks at Registration to come out for the event. And they came out in DROVES. Sure, there were a few empty seats here and there, but most were filled, and they were into it.
Nick Perkins, one of the hosts for the event, was awesome. He chugs tea like a chugger should. Period. It's like drinking a bottle of water, with different flavor and body. Slightly.
I like Main Events's choice of the second season opening of Kyo Kara Maoh! to fire up the crowd. Ver good decision.
COconut Bubble Sex Cosplay. Say that ten times fast. A household name indeed.