Pangya Family Affair

So my friend from the Philippines wanted to sell her account last week. I was very close to doing so, but my parents stopped me hours from getting it done. I wasn't too happy about it, but it forced me to create a secondary Pangya account so that I could be able to get rewards from playing VS mode while at the same time working towards finally getting my wings. My friend had to sell her account to someone else as I didn't have any cash, since I had to help my parents with the groceries.

Too bad for her, but I have to take care of my parents and myself. That's why I am a family first type of person, especially with my jobs not paying me quite well. So, one week after I created my new account, the account has skyrocketed to Senior E rank and the quit rate is showing. Of course, there has to be 20 more games played before it can be eligible to gain wings on its profile. And Papel is fully trained there.

On the other hand, I was able to do an number of things on my main profile. I got Pippin fully trained, Quma is now at Level 2 and could be fully trained by the end of next week, I jumped up to National D rank after over one month at National E rank, and my Angel Wings are now permanent until I end up either quitting a match (which won't happen) or disconnect (which could happen if the servers fuck up). Finally, the only courses that have yet to be played in full are Silvia Cannon, Wiz Wiz, Ice Inferno and Wind Hill. I cannot play those courses yet as I need to clear my Grand Prix tickets and restock on my Pink Wind Comets. Oh yes, and my Memorial Level is now at 15.

Personally, I am glad that MAYN Interactive have chosen to leave my accounts alone. I am pretty good with rares, even though I play most of my matches at Dolfini 1. My backup account is used as a sparring partner, like what you see at boxing gyms around the world.

The bottom line is even though I play on VS mode more often with my two accounts, primarily to test the VS mode and learn more about each course in the game, I am not using any third-party software to improve my game, so they really can't do anything about it. In fact, I'll be shocked if they actually do take action. I don't engage in the trading or anything like that, I just go there to play, and that's that. And since I already have my wings and they're now permanent unless I get a shitstorm of disconnects, it's all smooth sailing for now.

BoBA ISML 2014 Predictions: Topaz Match Day 3

ARENA 01: [Nibutani Shinka] Dekomori Sanae by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 02: [Kuroyukihime] Natsume Rin by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 03: [Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko] Nyarlathotep by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 04: Momo Belia Deviluke [Aoyama Nanami] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 05: Shokuhō Misaki [Yatogami Tōka] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 06: [Takanashi Rikka] Himeragi Yukina by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 07: Haqua du Lot Herminium [Yaya] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 08: [Yūki Asuna] Yukihira Furano by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 09: Kirigaya Suguha [Kurousagi] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 10: [Charlotte Belew] Roromiya Karuta by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 11: [Azuki Azusa] Chitanda Eru by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 12: Kuriyama Mirai [Takanashi Tōka] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 13: Shirakiin Ririchiyo [Itsuka Kotori] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 14: Shiomiya Shiori [Yoshino] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 15: [Tokisaki Kurumi] Nōmi Kudryavka by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 16: Yui [Yukinoshita Yukino] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 17: Tobiichi Origami [Yūki Mikan] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 18: Laura Bodewig [Chocolat] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 19: [Izayoi Miku] Kirigaya Hitsugi by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 20: [Nakatsu Shizuru] Senri Akane by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 21: [Shiina Mashiro] Saber by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 22: Senjōgahara Hitagi [Katsura Hinagiku] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 23: [Makise Kurisu] Kashiwazaki Sena by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 24: Kasugano Sora [Victorique de Blois] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 25: Iwasawa Masami [Yuzuriha Inori] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 26: [Shana] Mikazuki Yozora by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 27: [Eucliwood Hellscythe] Oshino Shinobu by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 28: Konjiki no Yami [Kōsaka Kirino] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 29: Kirishima Shōko [Yui-nyan] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 30: Nagato Yuki [Akiyama Mio] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 31: Charlotte Dunois [Misaka Mikoto] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 32: Tōwa Erio [Aisaka Taiga] by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 33: [Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko)] Last Order by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 34: [Nakano Azusa] Suzumiya Haruhi by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 35: [Nakamura Yuri] Sengoku Nadeko by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 36: [Hasegawa Kobato] Honma Meiko by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 37: [Tachibana Kanade] Hirasawa Yui by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

ARENA 38: [Aragaki Ayase] Illyasviel von Einzbern by >=300
Over/Under: 6000

2channel Anime Saimoe 2014: First Preliminaries Group E08 Results

1位 157票 原村和@咲-Saki- 全国編
2位 143票 初春飾利@とある科学の超電磁砲S
3位 137票 エリュシア・デ・ルート・イーマ(エルシィ)@神のみぞ知るセカイ 女神篇
4位 130票 桐ヶ谷直葉(リーファ)@ソードアート・オンライン Extra Edition
4位 130票 小鳥遊六花@中二病でも恋がしたい!戀
6位 124票 食蜂操祈@とある科学の超電磁砲S
7位 121票 ハクア・ド・ロット・ヘルミニウム@神のみぞ知るセカイ 女神篇
8位 113票 上重漫@咲-Saki- 全国編
9位 110票 東條希@ラブライブ!
10位 109票 辻垣内智葉@咲-Saki- 全国編
11位 107票 五河琴里@デート・ア・ライブII
12位 100票 時崎狂三@デート・ア・ライブII
13位 96票 蒲原智美@咲-Saki- 全国編
14位 94票 八九寺真宵@〈物語〉シリーズ セカンドシーズン
15位 88票 江口セーラ@咲-Saki- 全国編
16位 77票 羽川翼@〈物語〉シリーズ セカンドシーズン
17位 73票 金色の闇@To LOVEる -とらぶる- ダークネス
18位 67票 高原歩美(メルクリウス)@神のみぞ知るセカイ 女神篇
19位 66票 二条泉@咲-Saki- 全国編
20位 58票 船久保浩子@咲-Saki- 全国編
21位 53票 月詠小萌@とある科学の超電磁砲S
22位 43票 江崎仁美@咲-Saki- 全国編
23位 42票 沙織・バジーナ(槇島沙織)@俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない。
23位 42票 乃莉@ひだまりスケッチ 沙英・ヒロ 卒業編
25位 41票 春音あいら@プリティーリズム・オールスターセレクション
25位 41票 天草シノ@生徒会役員共*
25位 41票 井上純@咲-Saki- 全国編
28位 37票 上葉みあ@プリティーリズム・オールスターセレクション
28位 37票 村吉みさき@咲-Saki- 全国編
30位 32票 雪華綺晶@ローゼンメイデン
31位 29票 沢渡楓@たまゆら -もあぐれっしぶ-
32位 28票 布束砥信@とある科学の超電磁砲S
32位 28票 滝壺理后@とある科学の超電磁砲S
34位 26票 シャーロック・シェリンフォード(シャロ)@ふたりはミルキィホームズ
34位 26票 コーデリア・グラウカ@ふたりはミルキィホームズ
34位 26票 黒ウサギ@問題児たちが異世界から来るようですよ? -温泉漫遊記-
37位 25票 藤井雅美@ロウきゅーぶ!SS
38位 21票 アーニャ・ヘプバーン@ソウルイーターノット!
38位 21票 智花@ひだまりスケッチ 沙英・ヒロ 卒業編
40位 19票 五位堂結(マルス)@神のみぞ知るセカイ 女神篇
40位 19票 大江奏@ちはやふる わがみよにふるながめせしまに