Thank you, thank you all, please be seated. *crowd sits down* As I am British, this speech will be conducted in Received Pronunciation English, so make sure to tune in to your headsets for a translation in Japanese. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Violet Evergarden, and I have been elected as your Saimoe Prime Minister for the 2020 session with Rimuru Tempest serving as my deputy and designated first gentleman of Saimoe, since I am a widow. He will be appearing during events related to our movement in both slime and human form, so please be on the lookout for him.
The Webster's Dictionary defines "story" as, "an account of past events in someone's life or in the evolution of something." To this end, the definition is the foundation for my plans for the 2020 term. This coming year, doubtless, will be a year full of events that will leave an impact, and to facilitate this, I have procured this.

Standing in front of you is a book. But it is not just any book. This is a book that will show the history of the world in 2020. I will not need to put pen to parchment to do this, however. Using the power of the mind, and seeing the events around the world that make the greatest impact for humanity, I will be able to write and chronicles the stories—your stories—that help define who you are, and who you plan to be. The writing will not begin until exactly midnight on January 1 in Japan, and Madame Rem transfers power to me and I transfer power of Speaker to Mistress Kaguya.
I spoke to Madame Tohsaka earlier today. She is a lifelong advocate of the movement and a gracious person, a living example of what we all must aspire to be. A positive forward thinking individual of sound principles. I thanked her for a brilliant race after she formally conceded the election and I am looking forward to workimng with her, Mistress Sakurajima, Mistress Kousaka and Mistress Oumae as part of a Cabinet I am planning to form in the next week prior to the New Year. *applause*
I dedicate this victory to the lives lost in Kyoto earlier this year, a fire that consumed maidens of beautiful character, intentions, principles and innocence. I may not have known them personally, but these were my sister in arms, and on this, I ask that we all hold a moments for the victims lost, their families and the great city that they called home to the last.
*crowd gives moment of silence as a lone bell in the background rings 36 times*
Thank you. May God bless the victims, their families, their loved ones, Kyoto Animation, the city of Kyoto and Japan. *applause* Now, on to another facet I want to touch base on as part of my plans as your Saimoe Prime Minister.
Doubtless you all know the implications of the United Kingdom's changed relations with the European Union. As a British citizen, it is my duty to support the policy that Mr. Johnson's Parliament will be enacting in regards to Brexit. But at same time, we must advocate the healing of divides to make Europe and Britain stronger and so I shall be helping observe the choices that both governments make to ensure that Britain and continental Europe are allies to the end in making the region stronger and powerful against the forces of evil. I know the face of war and saw it with my own eyes. I do not have the wish to live through it again, and I won't. *applause*
With 2020 being the year that Tokyo hosts the Summer Olympic Games, we must needs promote sports and physical fitness as a way to encourage self-esteem, health, and a celebration of the human spirit, and we will do that with your help. Master Rimuru has asked me personally to include this as this is his contributions to our government for the coming year. He is personally excited about Japan's chances to dominate the games and will be proactive in making sure this nation supports its athletes in the coming months ahead.
Finally, I have already met Her Highness, Princess Toshi, at an informal dinner which I had personally prepared. We had a productive conversation on what she would like from me, and I had agreed to be her personal tutor and special counsel. It is an honor that I will perform to the letter. Anything that the Imperial Household that is required of our government, we shall oblige. *applause*
I want to now that all the members of our campaign team; my spiritual inspiration, Gilbert Bougainvillea, for giving me a reason to continue fighting the good fight; the International Saimoe League and its organizers for being strong supporters of our cause and why we serve those who believe in our principles and values; and finally, I want to thank you, the voters. Even if you supported the Type-MOON Party and hoped for Madame Tohsaka to win, I thank you for your participation in the process. All of you make this possible. Without you, we would never be able to show how wonderful the Saimoe movement is. We will continue to be the difference.
So with this, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this concludes my speech. I want to take this time to conclude with a poem that Mistress Tohsaka wrote that would have been used on her end if she was the winner. *entire field of ISML Female and Male Division participants surround Violet on stage* Everyone, raise your right hand, and begin,
"We are the hopes of our faithful.
Anime is our body
And moe is our blood.
We have lived over a million moments,
Ever to be remembered,
Never to be forgotten.
Have withstood heartbreak and failure to achieve victory and triumph,
Yet our journey, our story remains ever unending,
So, as we pray,
May God bless you, and may God bless Japan and the world. Season's Greetings, Happy New Year and Good night. Thank you.
-Violet Evergarden
2019 International Saimoe League Female Division Champion
18th Saimoe Prime Minister
25 December 2019
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