Djobi, Djoba...

Interesting dream. I was with my business partners, and they were talking about the fact that my belly was shrinking, and that the fat had gone instead to my chin. I was in a hotel in Vegas, when I found out this was the hotel were the Gipsy Kings would be the main event for a celebration of flamenco music. I passed my murals and photos of the performers, and even passed by a tribute to the band. I saw the band pass by, all of the Reyes and Baliardo brethrer, and was able to travel with them to the third floor, but in the nick of time, because I slipped on the surface, and I had to jam my arm to open the door.

When we got to the third floor, the band passed by some security. I thought they were preparing for the concert later tonight (they had 5 to 6 hours before the show began), but one of my colleague explained that they would be having lunch in Wyoming first, then come back to do the show. He also pointed out that my dress was a bit less professional, since I was wearing khakis instead of black slacks. I told him my slacks are 3 hours away in my house in North Las Vegas. I had to get them back.

And then I woke up, finding out I slept for nearly 12 hours, at 2 p.m. in the afternoon and waking up at 1:00 a.m. in the morning. Ironically, I saw an article on Diego Maradona overeating and getting hospitalized.

Could you believe that?

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