The New Year is here, and boy are we ready for it!
Happy New Year!!!
Welp, next weekend, after a semester full of challenges, I now can take some time off to relax. I take a plane to Las Vegas to celebrate Christmas, and now that I'm already an 18-year old in a 21-year old's body, I can now enjoy sipping daiquiris while playing slots. Anyone asks my age, they can shove it, cos I am now able to gamble without anyone nagging on me.
Of course, the alcohol is always in moderation.
This has been quite a year for me. Getting kicked off a forum, joining a new one and shunning the old one, graduating from a JC and starting again at a university, a tough semester being a wake-up bomb (sorry REM), and always available, MySpace...I think this year was definitely a year of changes.
Now, it's on to Las Vegas and some partying on the Strip.
Australia in the World Cup finals! YEAH!
The Galaxy: 2005 US Open Cup AND MLS Cup Champs!
As a Riot Squader. I can't be more prouder of the fact that our team is now the best soccer team in America. We didn't have the best record in regular season play in the West; heck, we barely got in. But this Galaxy team dug deep down the home sretch, defeating top ranked San Jose, Landon Donovan busting out a couple of goals against Colorado, and finally, Pando Ramirez becomes the man of the day, the MVP of the MLS Cup, with a beautiful goal past the keeper to life LA back to supremacy.
Next on the agenda...getting back the CONCACAF Champions Cup. The Riot Squad will be there to see that happen for sure! Congratulations Los Angeles for being the associated football capital of America once again!
So long, Fightin' Bob!
Boy, it’s great to be at the Beach these days. But, it’s also a bittersweet affair, because Dr. Robert Maxson is leaving as university president. So I went on a little walk with him, his lovely wife Dr. Sylvia Maxson, my friend Jamie Pollock, some other acquaintances from the Beach Patrol, a party of about 800 or so other students, all who are now my friends and comrades for a certain cause (even those people from DSP, or whom I have decided to settle my personal feuds with for just this one moment; I’ll consider reconnecting with them as a member of ISSA in the Spring), and the inflatable Prospector Pete, and we walked as a unit, trudging toward that blue structure that has been perhaps the bane of my existence as an athletics supporter in black and gold, that actually has a first and last name: Walter Pyramid, or Wally for short, or for those who are nostalgic…simple “The Pyramid.”
The air was brimming with nostalgia as all the past ASI Presidents during Dr. Maxson’s tenure were there, and I was feeling so ecstatic as the pep band played like a gem. You see, Dr. Maxson changed the way Cal State Long Beach was viewed. He placed the students at the highest priority, something that I don’t think LBCC’s Dr. Kehoe emphasized as much, or that the LBCC Student Life would attest. The teams as general would be referred from now on [informally, albeit] as “The Beach,” and the world famous phrase “Go Beach!” became everyday lingo at the campus on the hill. I think it’s an indirect tradition after talking with an alum of the university, a 49er athlete, or just a prospective student for CSULB to say to them, “Go Beach!” because the phrase itself shows a clear identity where you come from. Within the past decade, Dr. Maxson has successfully placed the Beach on the map. An award was named after him. A plaza next to Brotman Hall was named after him. State University Drive is now Beach Drive, with the newly created phrase “Maxson Plaza at Beach Drive” or “Maxson at Beach” for short. (Wonder what W. Campus or E. Campus will be renamed? Can’t wait to see how that turns out.) And a lot of other things were named after him.
And there was a contest for the best Beach cheer. I like one of the band’s cheers, going like this.
When I say Go, you say Beach! Go! Beach! Go! Beach!
When I say Go, you say Beach! Go! Beach! Go! Beach!
It’s one of those, “Why didn’t I think of that?” type of rally calls. And then we walked, me listening to the Eagles as background, as to make this look like a throwback film from the 70s. The CSU University Chorus sang one of my favorite Ivy League numbers, “Gaudeamus Igitur.” As we saw a film chronicling Maxson’s tenure as the big cheese, all of us were cheering his name. “Max-son! Max-son! Max-son!” The students were quite rowdy, which is what I would expect.
As the celebration ended, I had to flock over to the soccer game, heckling the UC Davis supporters with “Win In A Minute, We’re Gonna Win In A Minute,” to the tune of “Guantanamera,” a tribute to my friends from that ragtag group of Galaxy diehards known to all the LA’s Riot Squad, which I am still an auxiliary member. A few joined in, while others had to laugh. I paid them no mind. I even asked the Davis people to “warm up the bus.”
But back to what the next president should be. I think there will be some repercussions when Dr. Maxson leaves. I don’t think he’ll be replaced. He was, is, and always will be the man behind Cal State Long Beach. But whoever the new President is, I will support him all the way, and honor the legacy he will forge.
But I assure you, that person has very big shoes to fill.
Highs and lows
I think this weekend has had a balanced set of highs and lows. First, the lows. I received a 62 out of 100 for my Geography midterm, the same score as my Accounting midterm. Since the grade is not weighted, I’ll need to bounce back on the next midterm and paper if I expect to bounce back. I think something needs to be in order with how I do in my classes. I was quite disappointed at how much I remembered the concepts. This was the second hit-and-miss midterm I had. The US Men’s Soccer Team dropped a game to Costa Rica. Also, the Angels lost Game 4 of the Division Series to the Yankees, so a Game 5 is in order.
The highs balance things, though. St. Anthony, Lakewood, UCLA, and USC won their football games. Also, Long Beach State’s soccer, men’s water polo and women’s volleyball teams swept their competition this weekend.
I think, though, that I’m going to have to recheck how I approach the material. When it comes to knowing the subject, it sinks in, but I seem to think I already know the concept, when there is so much to remember, that it goes in one ear and out the other.
I seem to enjoy the games more than classes. Go figure.
Current mood: blah
I have been in a bit of a funk these past few weeks. I didn’t get a look from the bastards as Delta Sigma Pi, so I decided not to join any clubs. Also, I had to drop one of my classes because I could not stand the instructor in that class. As far as I know, he’s old, speak with some crappy Bantu accent, and should teach somewhere, literally some good university in Africa (if there is one, I don’t think there is one).
Also, I wasted $5 watching my 49er volleyball team get assraped by Santa Barbara on Friday, and the next day see City get nipped by Cerritos. So now I’m touching up on some non-academic work before starting my Career Autobiography, as well as some stuff for my Geography research paper.
It’s hard to be humble, but I suppose if I change genders, it wouldn’t change anything. I'm bored. Really.
Please help me.
A fake press release...
18 September 2005
The “White House”
To whom this may concern,
The “White House” and our leader, Jo-Ryan Salazar, received a message from one of the executive board members of the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi, Lambda Phi Chapter that a letter regarding whether or not Jo-Ryan Salazar has been invited to be a provisional member of the chapter will be distributed at the ABSOC office on 19 September 2005, at 2:00 p.m. PST. The 40-member staff of the “White House” is excited about this news, and is anticipating the outcome of this letter with wondrous anticipation.
Should the letter be that of an invitation, an official press conference will take place at the “White House” press room at approximately 6:00 p.m. PST. Jo-Ryan is expected, upon receiving this invitation, to formally accept it, as well as state his goals for the Alpha Nu pledge class, which is where Jo-Ryan will be grouped with this semester. Also, Jo-Ryan will be present at the first event of this process, which will be 4:00 p.m. PST, Friday, 23 September, at a location to be determined, albeit it will be on campus.
Should the letter be that of a rejection, an official press conference will take place at the “White House” press room, at the same time as that of an invitation. Jo-Ryan will then announce his next steps after this rejection has been affirmed. As this is the worst-case scenario, the “White House” team will schedule a 30-minute meeting following the press conference to evaluate other options for Jo-Ryan.
While we will not expect the chapter’s letter to be that of an invitation or that of a rejection, we are confident that the chapter will make or has made a decision that will place the future of this esteemed organization in the best direction possible.
Jay R. Boogimon
Press Secretary
The “White House”
Looking for changes
Time for something quite serious. Yeah, I know, for most of the time it’s been upbeat, but it’s time for a change.
Yesterday, I felt quite down. I don’t know if it was the caffeine withdrawal or something, but I was overwhelmed by the many opportunities I have on campus to get involved. I wanted to get involved with Delta Sigma Pi, and as I met all these different people from various walks of life, I felt like I was the odd man out. I didn’t know anyone who graduated from LBCC that wanted to major in Info Systems that was a member of DSP. That was what really caused the cold, harsh reality to sink in: I don’t know anyone at Long Beach State, save a few, but they’re already accomplished in what they will do, and the mindset was that I had to start over again.
I realized I left behind a college that was left in shambles, at least student life-wise. The student government basically collapsed in a way, and the trends of people not being involved in the student life programs at City continued to diminish. The ASB President resigned, the Administration has ruined the role of students having a voice in how choices are made, and the future of LBCC’s students seems to be bleak in a way, unless something drastic changes. I actually broke down after realizing this.
I was told by my old friend Ashley that I shouldn’t worry about this dilemma. But let’s face it: how can’t you worry about a community college that you’ve been involved in for 3 years, and realize the direction it is headed is that of a regular, run-of-the-mill high school? I sometimes get scared that the Student Life programs of Long Beach City College will no longer exist. Instead, it will just become another glorified high school, run by baby boomers that do not care one bit about the integrity and solidarity of their students.
I wonder if I will be able to get past this first semester at the Beach. With an unfavorable schedule, and some loose ends to tie, plus JCFN, and Delta Sigma Pi, I think I’ll want to take this semester one day at a time. Or something like that.
It’s like I’m a freshman all over again.
Saturday: Mission
Yesterday was fun. Before I went to the game between LBCC and Moorpark, I went over to eat with my mom over at Genghis Khan. I piled on the meat, the pineapple, the mushrooms, carrots, peppers, cabbage, and to my surprise, I got the wrong plate when it came to me, and some other customer, this African-American lady, comes over and switches it with the one I ordered. And then she tells the folks I want a new plate. There go a few dollars worth of food wasted, and maybe a few jobs lost due to poor service. I finished the meal with my sinuses cleared, my eyes watery, and my mouth burning with chili.
Afterwards, it was time for the game. I went onto the field, and talked with a lot of people, I discussed the season with the Cheer Team, I reunited with Dr. Kehoe and Dr. Fylpaa, as well as Larry Reisbig, and I took photos of the teams practicing. I also met my friend Chris Ruiz, who is LBCC’s sports information director, and he gave me a few passes: one for the game, and one for the season. I would return to the press box later for a halftime snack.
I met some very cordial people from Moorpark College. The guys there acknowledged that the Vikings had some players with good speed. LBCC’s team’s depth will be key for them throughout the season. I kept this in mind as I wrote notes, interviewed the coaches, and then wrote my report, with some statistical and photogenical assistance from Chris.
Later that night (I had drank a few too much Diet Cokes that game), I saw this hilarious photo that said “M-F- stole my sammich.” I laughed like crazy after seeing it, I don’t know why. But after I saw a comment post that said “Sage Failure,” I said, “FIRST DOWN!” After a bit of some sensible flooding, I finally became a first-teamer on The Onion Bag.
And so ended my night, although now I gotta sleep in and try to do some accounting homework. Typed. Clean. Less use of mess and more use of fingers. I guess I gotta give my props to Habitat for Humanity not giving me a slot today: they gave me more time to do the thing I like: The Internet.
Second day in a nutshell
Yesterday, there was a mob of students clamoring for books. I had to carry backpacks into the backpack tent, send them back to the customers after they purchased, and had to guide some students to where they had to go. It was mayhem, and tomorrow, I’ll have to do it all over again.
My Business Calculus teacher, Uyammadu Mbanefo, was an old black guy with an African accent. He encouraged us to ask questions, as well as answer questions that he gave us. Of course, we were a bit awkward of getting it wrong. That was our fear of failure. Otherwise, he’s a straight, no-frills teacher who gives us the nitty gritty, and encourages class participation,
Today, I saw a few students steal a car on the Brotman Hall fountain turnaround. They pulled over, and were arrested by campus police. Ouch.
John, Ed, and Professor Tom. A.K.A. The first day
The first day of classes! Before, you are excited, and after, you’re drained. That was my day in a nutshell. I woke up at 5:00 in the morning to get to class. But I was full of energy, especially after having a dream about making love to this beautiful girl that resembled my friend Zaira, who is an officer on the A.S.I. government on campus. I’m serious, she resembled her in a way. I gotta keep having dreams like that; it keeps me full of energy all day!
My accounting teacher, John Lacey, was sponsored by Ernst & Young™. Interesting, indeed. And he is a very accomplished instructor, having taught at UCLA and USC. One of his quirks is that he isn’t very good at remembering names. I hope he remembers mine, because mine’s stands out. ^_^ But it seems he’s a very amiable teacher, and I think I might do okay in this class. It’s all a matter of knowing the concepts.
I had a long break, and I went over and bought some books and shirts with mom. And after lunch, it was time to head to my second class. Ed Funkhouser’s a young, blond, stout instructor with a cool looking name. I mean, Funkhouser? I thought he was an old, geezer-looking guy that knew how to rock and roll! But anyway, Ed’s a very cool teacher, and is very energetic about his role as an instructor. And a good deal of his class in online, so I can look at the assignments and analyze them before making my call.
Afterwards, I got treated to yet another instructor that I seem to like, Tom Frazier. Sounds like an athlete’s name (isn’t there a famous athlete by that name?), but he has been well traveled, and can speak a good deal of foreign tongues. Professor Tom, as I like to call him, is planning to earn his Master’s degree at this university in Berlin, and for our first session, broke it down quite well. All of a sudden, I got an idea for what my country will be in my case study report. The Philippines is a country that I visited, twice in my childhood. And I still have a clear vision of what it looked like then, and still looks like today. Slums, pollution, dirty filth all around. So I’m tapping that.
After grabbing some more notes, and a few test score sheets, I headed home. Oh, by the way, I decided that I will either be committed to Zeta Phi Rho (a Filipino fraternity) or Delta Sigma Pi (the co-ed business fraternity). I just gotta see what each of them has to offer, and then I’ll make a decision.
Tomorrow’s gonna be a challenge. I got to work at the registers and accommodate a ton of angry young students, and then off to my Business Calculus class in the evening. But first, some homework and hydration…and sleep.
Volleyballs and bottles
I had an eventful weekend. Two days ago, I went on the bus to the Pyramid, I met this drunken guy at a bus stop who told me about his appreciation for California, and his loathing of New York, and his never-ending love for Long Beach State. He’s a cool guy, but I don’t think he’s got a lot more years to go. And on the bus, I met this alumnus who had an appreciation for college football. We chatted a little bit on the upcoming season; I’m looking forward to it. I think USC will pound Hawaii, but by 3 or 4 touchdowns. Anything more would be declared a blowout by me. Anything less would be declared…a game.
I had to wait a few hours for the game to begin, so I loitered around the Pyramid, seeing some old documents about the founding of the University (which is younger than Long Beach City), and then the game began. There was a good crowd on the feast, and the band was there, too. So after each good play, I waved my pennants, and after each big play, I did an X with my flags. After the win, I danced on my seat in celebration. We defeated the Long Island Blackbirds in three straight sets, though we rallied in the third.
The next day, I went to the Parkside dorms on campus and rallied up the gang to venture out to the Pyramid and watch some volleyball. Sacramento State was no pushover; they really tested the 49ers early. I couldn’t watch the rest of the game because for the second time this year (including the Galaxy game I attended in July)…my shorts got ripped. I had to ask my mom to drive me home, and I dropped the tattered shorts in the recycle bin. Let the bums use that one. I found out today that the 49ers won the game 3 games to 2. Looks like the ladies dug deep and rallied.
Today I’m just gonna send some bottles to the campus recycling center and get some cash. And then I’ll apply for some more positions at the 49er Shops. Nothing too special…until tomorrow comes.
First day at the Bookstore register
Well, I had my first day as a cashier at the Bookstore today, and by the end of the day, my feet were hurting. Must have been the shoes I was wearing; the soles weren’t cushioned well enough. Otherwise, I was given the basics of running a cash register on the fly, and I was scanning books upon books upon books, swiping credit card after credit card after credit card, and for the most part I was in a zone, save the occasional brain farting and not knowing a new feature of making transactions.
This was the week that University 100 was performed. UNIV 100 is sort of like COUNS 1 at LBCC: an orientation class to college life and the purpose of colleges and universities. Except, this class has a Beach twist, and is aimed towards freshmen. So I was scanning copies upon copies of this book for UNIV 100, and every time I saw somebody purchasing this book, it was my inner obligation to welcome that person to Cal State Long Beach, even though I’m a new transfer student. The freshmen students were quite pleased with how they were treated on campus, and there was a friendly camaraderie.
I knew in the back of my head that this would be nothing compared to the bedlam I would get next week, when the lines are longer, the frustration higher, and the tenseness ever thicker. The only thing I was missing today was my Bookstore ID. I’ll have to get that tomorrow.
As I sat outside Brotman Hall waiting for my sister to pick me up from her work, I envisioned in my head that I was also a freshman, being oriented to the campus, and I was excited at getting ready to watch the 49er women’s volleyball team kick some butt against Long Island University this Friday, as well as pondering the possibility of joining Delta Sigma Pi.
I need some sleep. Tomorrow’s gonna be quite interesting, yes indeed.
New frames!
I had a bit of a fun day today. First off, I made a new friend. His name is Larry Maroon, and he’s from Madera. He plans to be an elementary school teacher one day, but his grades have not been living to expectations. I advised him to work hard to keep those grades up if he wants to fulfill his dream of teaching kids like him. I have no doubt he will reach that goal, but like many roads, it won’t be easy. I believe in him, and he believes in himself.
Then, after my mom and dad and sister came back from the Costco store in Signal Hill (which has this wonderful park on the top of the hill where you can see Los Angeles and Catalina Island on a clear day, and of course, all of Long Beach any day), me and my mom set off to find frames for my Long Beach City College diplomas I received. I originally wanted to go to this store that my friend and companion in student government at Long Beach City College, Mary Bunting, told me. It’s called Shades of Africa, and it’s a fancy store in downtown Long Beach that has wonderful frames. The problem was, it was out of our price range. So instead, we set off for this thrift store at the corner of Carson Street and Orange Avenue, in the California Heights area, which is next to Bixby Knolls. We stumbled upon a couple of cheap frames. One was only 99 cents, and the other one, which was made of wood, was $4.99. Both were of very good quality, though. We bought them on the spot.
Next, we had to find some nails to hang the two frames. At the Target in Signal Hill, we found this $4.99 kitchen set. This had everything: thumbtacks, nails, hangers to hang pictures…literally everything that you need to make the office spiffy. The goal today was to make my bedroom look like a bit of an office. So we bought the kitchen set.
When we got home, I and mom prepared the frames. The smaller one was easy; all I did was place one of the diplomas on there, and it was hung. The larger one took more work, but this would have a lot of things inside it. First off, we had to remove the seal, which was made of staples. We bent the over, to open the frame. And then we placed a lot of stuff in it. I placed these items.
A diploma
A crest badge for my fraternity, Tong.
Two photographs of me in my cap and gown.
A tassel
A gold Alpha Gamma Sigma honor stole (which I really treasure, as a symbol of my academic success)
Seven pins, representing:
Associated Men’s Students Silver Key
Viking Volunteers Hall of Fame
LBCC Associate Student Body Cabinet
LBCC Viking Award
Thane (LBCC Honorary Men Society)
Alpha Gamma Sigma Silver Pin (associate member)
Alpha Gamma Sigma Gold Pin (permanent member)
A small red LBCC pennant
My retired LBCC College Service Card (student ID)
My ASB Cabinet name tag (the position I had was ASB Secretary)
Everything was carefully taped together, and I nailed it onto my wall. I placed a couple of screws at the bottom to support it, but I don’t think it was needed as much. Also, adorning the frame to the right was a bigger Long Beach City College pennant, with a little LBCC badge on it. That exhibit itself was a microcosm of three years of hard work,
I moved some of my other plaques I received, nailed some more pendants and leis onto the wall to hang, and even added my high school diploma from Lakewood onto my wall. Now it looks a bit cleaner, though my dad complains there are too many holes in the wall now. Nothing a little plaster can’t fix, right? I will post photos of my room on BoBA and BoMB, as well on Day in the Life threads at and Imperial Academy Forum (, when I can get my hands on my sister’s digital camera.
A temp job...and a phone troll
I received a temporary position at the CSULB Bookstore, as a cashier for the first few weeks of class. I got debriefed that there’s going to be long lines of people suffering in the sun, waiting to purchase their books. A lot of new students are going to be angry that they have to pay so much for their classes. For example, one student may have to purchase about $400.00 for his/her books, and will get very frustrated. Very few students will want to buy any of the clothing/apparel because they’re nagging about their books. Keep this in mind: I was one of the last few who got hired on the spot, so I’ll have to train on the fly to use the register. I’ve never worked with a cash register in my life, so I’ve got a bit of a baptism by fire.
The Bookstore is student owned and operated, and so the people who run this store are students as well. I’m hoping I don’t get scrutinized and some trolls try to get on my bad side, because, let me tell you, it ain’t happenin’. But those lines are going to be gruelingly long…
By the way, some douche bag called me on my cell, and didn’t leave me a message. I tried answering back, and either the line is busy or no one is even taking the time to answer my call. Stuff like this gets me on my bad side. So I am making a resolution:
No one should call me on my cell between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Standard Time. Anyone who calls me during those hours is nothing more than a prick, and will get a verbal ass-kicking from me. You got it? This is to prevent shit like this from happening.
I need to get a new frame for my new degree. In this frame, I will also store my tassel and my pins I won during my stay at LBCC. I’ll even place my other TONG badge on there. It’s going to look sweet; I can’t wait to set it up!
Mayhem in Compton
I’ve been reading topics on this forum, It’s this site that has information about the latest things going on with the junior colleges. There’s this story about nine El Camino football players being expelled from the school for fake transcripts from some trade school from hell. (Ewwww.) There’s the story about a 57-year old football coach from Cerritos who was arrested on felony charges of obtaining more than $150,000 in federal grants for 13 players who were ineligible for financial aid and could end up in prison for 11 years. (Ouch. And he’s 57…he could be killed at that prison.) And at San Diego State, 4 JUCO players would not make the team: one tested positive for a banned substance (oh god, I thought doping was for baseball and endurance and speed sports…but in football?), one retuned to his college to pursue a major that SDSU didn’t have, and the other two didn’t make the grade.
But nothing disturbed me more than seeing Compton College get stripped of its accreditation. Being accredited means that you are worthy to provide students the best education possible. Compton could be the first California Community College in history to lose its accreditation, and a lot of the 7,000-ish students will flock to LBCC to salvage their education. And I thought the rift between the Administration, Student Life, and Cabinet members was prick enough. Compare that to the hell in Compton, and I think we’re doing okay.
Before I rant about Compton, I went to the ASB Cabinet meeting today, and their president resigned from his position. Unfortunately, he and one of his friends may end up getting expelled because of an honor code that was violated according to a friend of mine, who was on last year’s Cabinet as me. In this case, it was a forgery of college documents and records, combined with unauthorized entry of the college facilities. He says it was a serious offense, and the bad part is, the administration is not even looking at this. I think it will all pan out, and appropriate action will happen. I know those two people. They’re very good students, and friends of mine. But what happened last semester could come back to haunt them if the punishment is very harsh. This is punishable by civil and criminal law, so you don’t want to cross this line, that’s for sure.
Back to Compton. I heard from my mom that the classes at Compton are easy. The teachers are very lenient. I would suppose there aren’t any pricks there. The problem is the caliber of education there is not comparable to ours, which is superior. That’s saying a lot, because I had some instructors who were quite challenging. I suppose due to this leniency, there’s been a lot of shady things going on at Compton. For example, one of the ex-trustees at the college was arrested at his Paramount home with his wife for defrauding more than $1,000,000 to divert the funds to himself and family members. And he did this in a community of low-income families. And a lot of the money was used to purchase a house in Guadalajara. (Chivas country! All the more reason to hate those goats. See, I’m a Galaxy fan, so you know where I come from.)
Murph, a user from the, said “It’s getting ugly in SoCal.” I’m glad for two things: 1. Long Beach City College has not been slapped yet (though sooner or later, they will fall, too) and 2. I’m finished with junior colleges. I’m already a university guy, so all I can do is frown at the fact that the California Community College system is suffering, and should the day come that Compton College no longer exists, a gray cloud will hover over the whole state of California.
Combine that with the agony of a mother about to lose her son in court as she talked over her cell on the bus, and I am so glad to still be in school, without stress. Until classes begin.
My degrees have arrived!
After winning a few more rivalry trophies on NCAA Football 2006 (including a virtual keg of nails symbolizing toughness akin to the contents inside), I wandered over to the mailbox to see if there was anything for me inside. Turns out, there was this small, slightly thick, white cardboard envelope, with the sender being “Long Beach Community College Admissions and Records, 4901 E. Carson Street, Long Beach, California 90808.” I had a gut feeling that three years of hard work and fun had been packaged in this envelope. Opening the contents, I found a voter registrations form, and two of the most beautiful pieces of paper that I would treasure forever. They were identical, but nonetheless beautiful to look at, and to keep.
They were my degrees. My Associate of Arts degrees in Liberal Arts (Option II) and Computer Business Information Systems (Track 1) were sent to me today. I was elated, but I asked my mom if I could get a new frame to place my diploma, my tassel, and my pins that I received over the course of my stay at LBCC. I then showed her my degrees, and she promised to give me a reward for receiving these diplomas, which now I can use for a lot of things, which I can’t name off the top of my head, because I am looking forward to football season.
Only one thing is remaining from LBCC that I still need, my Business Law grade. I shall ask Admissions to locate it next week, so that I can send it over if it looks good. Otherwise, I may have to retake the darn thing, which is the last thing I want to do, hmph.
I’m really looking forward to the last week in August, when classes at the Beach start. I’m ready to see some hot chicks kick ass in soccer and volleyball. *drools* See, from what I know is that the girls who play soccer and volleyball at Long Beach State are hot and cute to boot. I hope one of them is single and boy-shy, because that’s when I will come in and see if I can get a connection. If not, there’s always the other chicks from the sororities and co-ed business fraternity at the Beach that I can hit on. *le sigh, in a Parisian voice* What is a single bachelor like me to do when he is looking for love as well as good grades? Le sigh. Oh le sigh. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh…….*pout*
Next week, I may consider checking out LBCC again just to visit…actually, I’m going there to visit and attend the ASB meeting next Monday. I am hoping the next Cabinet is going to have a stronger voice that we did last year.
I shall go ahead and grab some more of those trophies, if only to imagine that another trophy is falling from the sky, through the roof and into my room. Heh, I think we have another roof to fix…much to the chagrin of my family. Sorry, Mom, but I LOVE FOOTBALL!
Bike Trip
I love riding my bike. I hop on my year-old Trek 3500, with its red-an-black color scheme, and pedal off wherever I want to go. My bike has gone as far north as Pasadena, and as far south as San Clemente. But it never ceases to be my main weapon of exercise, as well as my free-spirited mode of transportation. Ever since I heard of Lance Armstrong, and his Trek bicycles, I always wanted to purchase a Trek. I loved the red-and-black scheme at the time I purchased the 3500 (I was a LBCC student at the time, so it figures!). But I go wherever my heart takes me.
My legs don’t like having to pedal over hills, but sometimes I have to, and I copy Lance’s style of pedaling with quicker strokes, before I crack near the top and ride my bike a few paces so my legs can recuperate from the effort. Then as I go downhill, the wind refreshes me and my legs, and my legs spin the chain effortlessly as the blood comes back to refuel and prepare. I also don’t like headwinds much, because it slows my ride down. But I have to ride through them.
And there are so many people riding bikes this time of year! Even old farts are climbing up hills and going down hills. Must be a summer thing.
On my trip, I passed by Marina Pacifica, and read some magazines at Barnes & Noble, before sipping a Jamba Juice smoothie that had all these different vitamin boosts. I think I had about seven of them in my smoothie. This would be enough fuel for me to ride home on my bike. But first, it was time for a bit of memory lane.
I soaked in the summer ocean breeze as I biked by the beach and watch voluptuous girls fawn by in their scanty bikinis. I even passed by one that was riding a bike, and had her hair laid down in braids. I didn’t know if she was married or not, but if she wasn’t, I’d want her to be my wife! After sauntering down the beach on my 3500, I passed by Shoreline Village. I walked my bike down the shops, and even passed by a merry-go-round. And this was no ordinary merry-go-round. I remembered when I was a little boy, and my mom was riding me on one of the horses. I didn’t want to fall off and hurt my head. I feared for my safety, and my health. I still do today, although merry-go-round horses don’t scare me at all.
In this world, there are a lot of worse things to worry about. The biggest worry I have to deal with is whether or not it is my time to leave this Earth. I want to live to about 80, maybe even 90. But if it is my time to leave, I will embrace it. You see, one who fears dying fears living. So you gotta live every day like it’s your last.
I rode to the top of this lighthouse next to the Aquarium. It kinda looked like a miniature, grassy version of Mont Ventoux. Lance Armstrong once said that “Ventoux is a very special climb which gives me very special feelings.” He conquered Ventoux, but was never able to win a stage there. He even gave a win to a cyclist who would pay the price with cocaine. So I pedaled as fast as I could to the top of the lighthouse, and I parked my bike and sat on one of the benches to reflect.
I could see Shoreline, the Queen Mary ship, and the Carnival Cruise ship. I had a dream one time in which I was taking Passport C to the Queen Mary. I realized that not only was the Carnival Cruise ship there, but the Queen Mary’s younger sister, the Queen Mary 2, was in its place. I thought, “Oh man, I died and gone to heaven!” And there was a shopping mall, there, too. Maybe that will happen in the future.
Also, I could see a couple of restaurants next to the Queen Mary. There was Naga’s Restaurant, which was this restaurant that me and my fraternity boys got kicked out of because I started a fight against this bastard I know, Jeremy, who shortchanged me out of my misery by giving me no awards. I couldn’t even speak because my throat felt like it was removed and fed to goony birds. So I punched and smacked him in the face, and it could have been worse. Heck, I could have thrown that douchebag out the window for all I cared. He was the fraternity’s president that time, and he was doing a pathetic job at it. Actually, in spite of our success, the fraternity, Tong, was in a funk after Fall 2002. There were so many slackers that wanted to join, and the alumni (including me, of course) wanted none of that. I have a gut feeling that it won’t taste its glory days again unless it wakes up and brings in competent male blood.
I could also see the Reef restaurant, which was the last place where we had our fraternity’s banquet. Great occasion, there, though by that time I was tired to being a frat boy, and that was the time I committed to Alpha Gamma Sigma.
As I watched the boats whiz by the harbor, I reflected on my plan for having a family. In order to have a family and enjoy the pleasures of sex with style, I made my set of rules. This is in chronological order. And I think if a couple follows all these rules, they will be well off.
Be financially sound. Gotta have a lot of bucks, and a six-figure disposition to support. Having your spouse to be in the same position makes it even more better.
Get tested. If you or your partner have a disease or even HIV, then the relationship will have to be that of swingers, and not of a married couple with children. A lot of people in relationships don’t do this, and they pay for it with their lives.
Discuss whether it would be the right time to have children. Are the two of you ready to have kids and pass on your legacy, and raise them to be the best citizens they can be?
Get married. I had an icebreaker when I was with the ASB Cabinet at LBCC in which I had to say one interesting thing, and when I told the group that I had a niece born out of wedlock, the whole place erupted with laughter and sympathy. Even some of the old ASB Cabinet members heard about this. (Wagner Wong, this has nothing to do with you, okay, so back off and don’t worry about it.)
Spend a night out before making love. Go somewhere good and safe, like a restaurant, the movies, nightclubs (well, scratch that, unless you want to take a chance in Adultery City), shopping. And, oh, do this at night for best results.
Think of having sex as not just something you have to do, but something you want to do. You live to be with your loved one and take part in the foreplay and kinkiness et al that follows, so enjoy it, and clean yourself up after you’re done.
Take part in a parenting class. It will help you prepare for the inevitable. And it’s invaluable.
Women, never smoke, drink, or do drugs when you are pregnant. If you do this, I loathe and pity you and the future of your child. And men soon to be fathers, embrace your children, teach them to be great citizens of the free world, and never treat them like pieces of meat, lest they end up becoming Michael Jackson clones. One King of Flop is surely enough, amirite?
After reflecting on family, I set off homeward. It’s amazing. I mean, I’m now 21, and I can go wherever I want to. I can smoke, I can drink, I can gamble. But I want to pace myself. I don’t want to smoke or drink, though I want to have fun with the slot machines. I’ve got classes to take, scholarships to obtain, games to watch, and a whole life ahead of me.
Oh yeah, and I have my bike to ride on.
I turned 21 today.
Haine, Haine, Haine. Exclusive to BoBA.

I bought Volume 2 of Shinshi Doumei Cross (The Gentlemen Alliance) from Kinokuniya, one of my favorite bookstores, in Little Tokyo, a place where I usually like to shop if I have a little money on me. See, here's how I plan my trip there: I rack up at least 11 bucks, take the Blue Line to the Red Line to Civic Center, and then bike down to Little Tokyo. I saw this sign that showed that both volumes are available, and it shows a swinging picture of Haine Otomiya, a former yankee (delinquent) who became girlfriend of Shizumasa Touguu, a guy she knew as a child. Her story is quite sad. Her first family had to sell her because she was becoming a financial burden to their business. Now the family she is with is trying to make ends meet. Because of this, she went into an emotional tailspin, and became a yankee, before reuniting with Shizumasa (of which Haine adds a -sama to his name).
I heard some reviews about SDC (or Shinkuro for short) being a ripoff of a CLAMP storyline, and that there isn't a good rap regarding the story. This was the first story that Arina Tanemura wrote that had no magical powers whatsoever, purely a teenage real-life drama. (I wouldn't sell my children if I had at least one. No way.)
This being said, I think SDC is an interesting change of pace from the regular Arina tales, that involve magical powers of some sort. One must begin to wonder if the staying power of Shinkuro will hold. By the way, Arina is concocting plans for a new mahou-shoujo manga drama later on. Can't wait to see how that develops.
Ohohohohohohooooh Shandong!
I can't get that Chinese word out of my head. When I think of the word "Shandong" I think the world of China. Shandong is a resort province, home of Qingdao's famous beer "Tsingtao." I've never tasted it, but I heard it has fair drinkability. But it's an infectious word, Shandong. I cannot get it out of my head. It's attacking my brain like cancer! >_<"
Anyway, today I went back to the Beach to see if I can find some work. Went to the bookstore, they told me to apply (I already got that taken care of). Went over to Beach Patrol, they said they had one position open, that was Graphic Designer. Not my forte (yet), so I went to the Pyramid. Their paperwork had already been used up, so I have to wait till next week. But meeting them and getting used to what they do gives me confidence that I can fall in with any of these folks. But I gotta balance this with class.
I've got a lotta time to kill till the first week of August comes about. And I need my daily dose of coffee to stay on it. Heh, I just drank another Starbucks bottle an hour ago. I'm feeling the effects. I just hope I don't crash anid burn after a sugar spike from feeling it.
I like crisp light brown colors.
With a new university to go to comes a color preference! Now I'm in love with crisp, light brown, chocolate/caramel colors. No, it's not because of dessert or anything sweet. I like it for a few reasons:
It's earthy and smooth, like a shake.It allows you to reflect and release.It matches your skin well.It gets you prepared to live an adult relationship, whether or not it happens.It's more mature-looking.It's sheen.It's melty, like chocolate ice cream.It's silky.It gives you feeling of euphoria, without feeling high.It's not like I will feel red all over again.I'm tired of feeling red.I'm no longer a JUCO student.I'm tired of thinking about Long Beach City College (though I might consider joining the ranks of the alumni association).And this is just my opinions about light, crisp, brown colors.
Seems I'm looking forward to the future, aren't I? But the bottom line is, I've had a change in color preference.
I also have a new blog: Love and Liberty. This is on, as you can see, I have an emotional attachment to Sailor Moon, only because it started my addiction to anime. I've watched the last few episodes, and though they are losing their punch on me, I will never forget how giddy I was about that stuff in the late nineties. I won't post at that blog as often as posting BoBA or this blog, now officially renamed BoMB!: Bedlam on MySpace Boulevard, but the posts there now and then will be occasional, or whenver I want to take a shot of nostalgia.
A resolution: I will use this blog again!
Long time since I posted. Okay, I have made a landmark decision. Pretend you're hearing cheesy fanfare music. Okay, done? good.
I did not want to leave my blog on MySpace without an update, so I decided, okay, I will post on this blog again. I like this blog to pieces, so not only will I post on this blog here, but I will also post this on Bedlam, too. This way, you will get double informed on the latest scoop covering yours truly!
Course, this will mean placing two windows open for a few minutes, but it's all worth it, cause I am actually looking forward to the new semester at CSULB. A chance to stock up on points for Beach gear! And knowledge, too.
Would you believe it, as I post this blog, it's less than nine days till I turn 21! Once I turn this age, I got nothing to look forward, too...actually, now I can focus on getting the Bachelor's out of the way. I'm still waiting from LBCC Records if they have the diploma for my dual degrees prepared and stuff, as well as my Law grade. I'm betting 100 invisible dollars that I got at least a C in that class.
Till next time...outie.
Walking on a windmill
Ughhhh, got another leg cramp. My mind is in due need of going somewhere, like going out on a trip.
Lance will get his 7th Tour, if he keeps at the pace he is. I know it, and perhaps those who know him well know it, barring catastrophe.
I could use a new video game for my PS2. I just had it out a few days ago, but it doesn't have any video games yet. It's in due need of a new memory card, as well as Action Replay, and some of that darn EA Sports stuff I have been hankering for so long. I tested the 2k Sports games at the Pyramid, and while they looked appetizing at first glance, I noticed later that the ratings for these ESPN games were not up to par with demands. With EA being the Alpha/Omega/whatever in college football videogaming, I have to stick with what I know the best, as Lee Corso put it succinctly.
I had a dream about me going to Wonderland, as a different person. I don't think it's gonna happen in real life. I still hate those people for what they did to me, so they can still kiss my ass.
I've already completed Law class, but now I am assuming that the Summer session must end before the grades can be revealed. Okay. Looks like I will wait till later in July.
I am reminiscing on my early days as a patron of anime, and it now puts my appreciation for everything from the Far East in perspective. The way everything has changed since the resurgence of shoujo in the early 90's means that a revolution of how anime is done today was born, and it keeps going. The ball keeps rolling, and the young people of the free world use anime as a part of their daily life. It's incredible. The song by Kae Hanazawa, "A More Beautiful Morning Will Come," is perhaps the last great song that reminds me of Sailor Moon. I'm not a Moonie anymore today. I'm an Arinaholic.
I think shoujo patrons should know that Arina Tanemura's stories of romance, relationships and girls is original. Everyone has their own style. Naoko Takeuchi had her style that resulted in one classic tale that persisted to be a basic microcosm of shoujo. Arina, however, pulled in not one, but two stories that appealed to the masses, "Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne" and "Full Moon." Other mangaka, like Wataru Yoshizumi, have their own formula that churns memorable stories, in her case, "Marmalade Boy," "Mint na Bokura," and "Ultra Maniac."
There is a new wave of manga and anime in the heartland of the world today. I suggest to all of you who read this to get out there and buy a book or DVD or two. No better remedy that that.
It's scary, but I'm less than 20 days away from celebrating the big 21. Wouldn't you believe that?
No new posts until August...
London calling...
My support for the London 2012 Olympics a few years ago paid off. London defeated Paris 54-50 on the fourth vote for the 2012 Olympic bid. New York City, Madrid and Moscow were already eliminated beforehand. The Tour de France has a pall cast after the announcement was made, while the next day, 33 people were killed in train and bus explosions in London. Ouch. Talk about "What goes around comes around."
I think Lance Armstrong is an unselfish cyclist. He wanted to not were the yellow jersey yesterday, but he had to, out of respect for the previous bearer, Dave Zabriskie. I think the cruelty of sport is akin to the cruelty of life. But Lance in unselfish. That's why he is one of the greatest cyclists of the history of the sport.
Till next time...
Happy first and fourth of July!
Canada has celebrated their birthday, and soon the USA will follow. I am stoked. This week is the last week of those Law classes, and I am excited to get this out of the way. This Saturday, I will get to watch some NBA players strut their stuff in the Summer Pro League. Hopefully the Lakers will take care of Dallas in that game they have that day. The Angels are off on another tear again, and the Saskatchewan Roughriders are on a two-game win streak this season, although the win against Hamilton wasn't easy. At least they won. I'm awaiting the outcome between Vancouver Whitecaps women and the Seattle Sounders ladies because if the Caps win, they are off to the playoffs.
The Long Beach Armada are off to a tear of their own, winning five straight, and sweeping the Surprise Fightin' Falcons in the Armada's home series. The San Diego Surf Dogs are off on a tear of their own, and the Armada is still six games behind the Surf Dogs for tops in the GBL California Division. Damn that Rickey Henderson. He has regained his stealing touch.
I was surprised that there were teams from Edmonton and Calgary in the Northern League. What's even more interesting is that the former PCL tenants in their respective stadiums moved south. (Edmonton previously won a PCL title as the Trappers, before continuing their success as the Sacramento RiverCats.) Now there are the Edmonton Cracker-Cats (a scoff at the ex-Trappers moved south?) and the Calgary Vipers, who are within striking distance of Fargo-Moorhead (the undisputed Yankees of the Northern League) in the Northern League Northern Division. Better get hot, before those darn RedHawks keep pace and take the first half crown...
I shall soak in the rest of this fourth of July, maybe even draw some more, before sweating out the final days of classes.
Earlier today, I acquired my bicycle seat post. Later today, as my mom took me back to the bike shot to have the saddle attached to the post, we saw this horrific accident: four cars were driving at 100 mph, and a chain reaction occured. One car spun around seven times, while another car saw its sole passenger die at the scene. It was a chase scene in which the cars were being chased by police that happened three or four hours after I left it, taking the bus home. Apparently, the drivers were intoxicated. That meant only one thing: do not ride your bike on a trip the rest of the day. It was, for me, an omen. A few news vans were also at the scene, too. My sister saw it on the news just a few minutes ago.
The fourth exam: I know where's I'm heading...
Okay, I have every reason to sleep better tonight. Even though I did poorly as always in my exam, the score on my fourth exam was a 68-the highest score I ever had taking this class. A lot of people did not do well in this exam, but I have every reason to be optimistic, as my result was better, while most were worse. There was a 12-point curve, so that had something to do with my result. I'm looking at my scores right now...
Exam 1: 56 (dropped)
Exam 2: 60
Exam 3: 62
Exam 4: 68
Total so far: 190
Points needed on final for:
a D: 28 (14 questions correct)
a C: 98 (49 questions correct)
a B: 168 (84 questions correct)
an A: 180 (90 questions correct)So what I need is a 49 or better to get past this class okay. I should be able to take care of this class with a C, because the pace I set has been average, bent on improvement. That's why I can sleep better, because knowing me, even though I haven't been doing any more better on my exams, I'm not going to do a sub-par performance on this final for sure.
I'm going to guzzle down another bottle of water in celebration.
Head full of steam tonight...
Okay, my head is full of steam. And it's not because of the Galaxy on a 4-game winless streak, or the fact that the Angels' winning streak was snapped tonight by the Texas Rangers. (I'll get back to them later) It's the mere fact that some people know how to approach situations the right way. I know this for a fact, and it cost me my previous job (note I said previous, as I am being evaluated for a position at CSULB *flicks the finger at the LBUSD*), and it's not likely I will do it again (unless provoked the uber-wrong way.)
I was stunned that the San Francisco 49ers would shoot themselves in the foot after this incident: would you show a porn video as training? Not only that, adding bullsit remarks about the mayor of SF, about gays and lesbians, and Asians, Chinese in particular. The 49ers tried to make amends...,1413,135~29810~2922535,00.html
but the last speaker in the gallery of Chinese-Americans, Barry Lee, did not realize (or probably knows by now) he has options: Cheer for the Raiders! If not, cheer for the Cal Golden Bears<>Back to the Rangers. Before the game, during a pregame practice stretch, this 40-year old pitcher, Kenny Rogers, slams a couple cameras to the ground, and injures a local TV cameraman in the process...
Now look here, this guy is 40 years old, in the twilight of his career. He should have just settled down and reflected on how he has done the past several years in the majors, instead of acting half his age or more and damaging cameras. Please. He won't be taken back by any major league baseball club, that's for sure. And I don't think the independent minor-league teams wouldn't want his to pitch for them. I don't want the Long Beach Armada to pick up a player like Kenny Rogers. He threatened to retire: I think his retirement starts now. Nice way to end your baseball career, Kenny! Or should I say...ruin?I have another Law exam before the Final tomorrow. I think I'll just try to survive. I know where I will be, barring a miracle.
How about those Angels!
Now, when it comes to soccer and rugby, I am not a fairweather fan; I support the LA Galaxy and the Eagles whenever I get the chance. However, when it comes to sports like baseball and basketball, I tend to be fairweather/bandwagon/lemony when it comes to supporting them. One of those baseball teams I like (right now) is the Angels. Full name: the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. I think it should stay as Anaheim Angels, but Arte Moreno decides, "No, we want the team to go back to their roots." Soon, the "of Anaheim" moniker will be dropped, and it will just be "Los Angeles Angels." This could be a big risk, especially when the most of the fan base is in the OC - Orange County. But as long as the Angels keep on winning; who am I to complain about the name?
Side note: Test score improved rto a 62. On tap for a C. Yay. In Business Law; barring a miracle or a complete disaster.
Takarazuka Kinen
Tonight I watched the Takarazuka Kinen Stakes from Hanshin Racecourse in Japan, and I was surprised at the result. This horse, Sweep Tosho, beat out a field that included nine starters sired by Sunday Silence, two starters sired by Timber Country, three other horses, and the defending Stakes winner, Tap Dance City, to win it all. Young jockey Kenichi Ikezoe is the man of the hour, and it is only time before he continues to etch his mark upon Japan's, and soon, the world's greatest jockeys. Wow. That's all I can say.
In other news, the Galaxy are in need of some coaching changes. We finished our road campaign with one tie and three losses. Something is not going right. We have to fix this, and FAST. The Angels are a different story. With a five game winning streak, my Halos (of which I bought their cap today) are on the verge of sweeping their rivals, the LA Dodgers tomorrow.
Also, the Roughriders got off to a blazing start, defeating the Winnipeg Blue Bombers 42-15. Great start for the men in green, they have their next five of 8 on the road, so this will test them.
I am in due need of some sleep and some reading. Two more weeks, and this Law class is history.
My web site is back!
I am over the moon today. I got my web site back, on Of course, I had to do some uploading, and cut down on some files because I had to be under this quota of 100 MB, or else there would be some serious action because I haven't been giving the others on CSULB a fair share of the disk space. So what? Before they laid this on me, this was one of the sites a lot of people would go to. Why water it down. Eventually, I reduced the site to nothing more than fanfiction and a few downloads...for now. I will be putting back California, my fanart section, back up for everyone to enjoy.
My url for the site is at your right hand side, the first link in the list of links. Be sure to check it out, it has a whole new look.
And on a side note, I think I did better in the third Law exam. Maybe a score in the high 60's or better. I'll do anything to get a C or better in this class, I need it!
>_<That's all for now...oh, and congrats to the Spurs, they knocked off those darn Pistons. You know, my Law instructor is such a Pistons fan...I guess she didn't want to have her face seen after her team lost. Hahah, serves her right!
Confidence, Part 2: ...any?
Welp, I received my recent exam score, and while it was an improvement on my last one, it wasn't as significant an improvement as I thought it would be. This time, I got a 60 out of 100, and the machine didn't mess up this time. I second guessed myself on quite a few of them. So, now I'm thinking to myself, I hope a lot of those missed questions are on the final, because I sure want to tackle them again. Or at least remember where I went wrong. My mood was not sweet, but it wasn't sour either. I can only hope that my scores continue to improve on the next one.
Till next time...
Confidence, part 1: Is there...
I wonder how I did on that second exam. I think I got a decent grade
this time. I mean, I looked over the material, and applied the concepts in the
practice exams given on the book's web site, and so...I deserve to have my dues paid, one way or the other. I think I will fall apart if I get something worse than a 28. But overall, I know I rebounded this time. Cross your fingers, people...I saw Drumminnurse's son, Jean-Michel, just a few minutes ago. He's gotten taller, and ever more smarter. He's a cool guy. Must be something they put in that Florida water, seasoned with a hint of orange essence...
A phase?
I have decided on something. I will take my lumps when I finish up my Law class. There is no way I can drop my class without being in tears after receiving what would be my third W. My pride won't allow it. I will put on my shoujo face and say to myself, "Makenai yo!" That's Japanese for "I won't give up." So what if the teacher is a pain in the ass to listen to? I don't even care if I chewed my pen to death (thank God it still works), but I will just get past the next few weeks, and that will be that.
On a side note of candidness, I wish I could turn into Maron Kusakabe, just for a few hours, then change back into me. At least I won't be having any body fat on me for sure...and other stuff...
No sympathy needed...
I realized, as I wrote up this post, that I do not deserve sympathy for such a pathetic result because it is not significant. Yep. I think I pulled it off so well. But I know that if there's a time to rebound from something like this, it's gotta be now, because there is no hope for me if I reprise my efforts on the next one.
Exam 1 score: 28/50 = 56%
Talk about stumbling out of the gates. I was completely baffled by a large number of the questions on the exam, and even second-guessed myself a few times. My reading comprehension reduced to that of an Appalachian douchebag, so I knew I didn't do as well as I could.
The instructor told us that this is extra incentive because this is not a large part of the exam. The next three exams and the final will be more important than this one. And there is that incentive that if I obtain an A on the final, I get an A for the class.
Nonetheless, I have a gut feeling that my mom will not be very pleased with this result. She expects too much outta me. Maybe I should have a sex change and see if that will change anything. I got too much pride to even go that far, though, lol.
Putting on my girly face, I put on a scene of sympathy after class and at the Cabinet office, even screaming like one. Even tore up part of my shoulder sling for added effect. I felt obligated to put on this mask of despair, because I deserved to put this on after such a terrible performance. In the back of my head, though, I knew this would not happen again. No, not after I had bounced back after all this bullshit.
Now is not the time for yours truly to sit on my laurels. This is a summer session. Getting on the ball is a requirement if I am to take the rest of these exams by the horns. (Of course, skipping a session for the sake of orientation at CSULB is not the way to go, but still, priorities have been set.)
Looks like I will have to spend less time blogging and more time reading carefully the material. (Yeah, like hell I will do the former, ha.....IN YOUR DREAMS!) Tune in next time on the BOBA blog to see what I'm up to this time.
Tu principe...
"Value your love for me more than your looks!!" -Kouyama Mitsuki
I can't help but laugh at that comment.
I read the entire Full Moon manga, and I was impressed with how the story turned out. I think the entire manga community would have been outraged if the story didn't have a happy ending. Mitsuki looks hotter when she is older, and is a veteran of the stage. I predict there will be a fanfic (if there isn't already) of her and Takuto having a family, and all that jazz that comes after the parents being idols, and their children being idols, too. I think the Kira clan just got some fresh vocal blood in. Perpetuation, perpetuation...
I can't wait to see how the anime plotline went. If you check the links to your right, there is a link in which you can view an episode from FMwS. At this point, Full Moon has officially surfaced, and now her junior high peers are left to decide if this blonde beauty is worth cheering for. Well, of course! She's Full Moon, gosh darnit, what are you going to do!?
Anyway, I am anticipating earnestly my grades from my first Law exam. I think I hit upper 70's to lower 80's. I sometimes got confused at the language regarding which case falls where. Last night I read this ZZ Top article in which a couple of lawsuits were filed by people who say that ZZ Top allegedly stole their music. John Lee Hooker must be reeling in his grave if he's already seen the world come crashing down.
I checked the scores for the FIFA World Youth Championship, and the USA disposed of those pesky Argentinians 1-0. If the USA can continue to get results like that, we got a good shot at pushing through into the semifinals, even into the championship game. Look out Brazil, here comes America. Come forth, Sam's Army. (and think of some good songs for Chrissakes...)
I have to say, how about that Galaxy? In spite of an below-average effort, Kevin "El Gato" Hartman gets his 100th win (and receives a special trophy from the Riot Squad), and Landon Donovan scores the game-winning goal to give the LA Galaxy their 7th win this year. Once again, we are one point behind FC Dallas, and I hope we take care of business against Colorado. The Crapids won't lay down and die, though, because, like every MLS team, they play with pride, so we're gonna have to bring it.
I shall continue my rantings and ravings tomorrow. Cross your fingers and hope that I got a decent result from my Law exam! >_<"